Fried Chicken Strips Recipe
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- Prep0:20:00
- Cook0:10:00
- Total0:30:00
Servings: 4
1 1/2lbchicken breasts
1/2cupswhole wheat flour
1 1/2tspbaking powder
1/2tspsalt, table
1/2tspblack pepper
1/4tspred or cayenne pepper
Mix dry ingredients (spices), then add water and mix until mostly smooth. Cut the chicken into strips, coat in batter and fry.
By: Insp. by
Published on 09/03/2013
- 113.28g Water (WATER)
- 1.45g Carbohydrate, by difference (CHOCDF)
- 6.4g Fiber, total dietary (FIBTG)
- 2.597g Glutamic acid (GLU_G)
- 1.245g Proline (PRO_G)
- 34.66g Starch (STARCH)
- 1g Energy (ENERC_KCAL)
- 6g Energy (ENERC_KJ)
- 3g Calcium, Ca (CA)
- 2.16g Iron, Fe (FE)
- 1g Magnesium, Mg (MG)
- 1g Phosphorus, P (P)
- 9g Potassium, K (K)
- 6g Sodium, Na (nan)
- 1.56g Zinc, Zn (ZN)
- 7.93g Protein (PROCNT)
- 2.440g Manganese, Mn (MN)
- 37.1g Selenium, Se (SE)
- 2.974g Niacin (NIA)
- 26g Folate, total (FOL)
- 26g Folate, food (FOLFD)
- 26g Folate, DFE (FOLDFE)
- 18.7g Choline, total (CHOLN)
- 43.7g Betaine (BETN)
- 98g Carotene, beta (CARTB)
- 187g Vitamin A, IU (VITA_IU)
- 59g Lutein + zeaxanthin (LUT+ZEA)
- 1.50g Total lipid (fat) (FAT)
- 1.15g Tocopherol, gamma (TOCPHG)
- 3.7g Vitamin K (phylloquinone) (VITK1)
- 2.99g Ash (ASH)
- 2g Phytosterols (PHYSTR)
- 9g Vitamin A, RAE (VITA_RAE)
- 28g Cryptoxanthin, beta (CRYPX)
- 29.3g Fluoride, F (FLD)