Teriyaki Chicken Recipe

  • 0:05:00
  • 0:45:00
  • 0:50:00
  • 2
    chicken breasts
  • 2
    teriyaki sauce
  • 2
    Worcestershire sauce

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Place the chicken breasts on aluminum foil on a pan. Drizzle the sauces over the chicken breasts and cook for 30-45 minutes.

By: Brent Self

Published on 09/03/2013

Recipe Nutrition Information

  • 26.70g Water (WATER)
  • 3.75g Ash (ASH)
  • 6.52g Carbohydrate, by difference (CHOCDF)
  • 3.41g Sugars, total (SUGAR)
  • 26g Energy (ENERC_KCAL)
  • 109g Energy (ENERC_KJ)
  • 36g Calcium, Ca (CA)
  • 4g Magnesium, Mg (MG)
  • 20g Phosphorus, P (P)
  • 272g Potassium, K (K)
  • 442g Sodium, Na (nan)
  • 2.13g Protein (PROCNT)
  • 3g Folate, total (FOL)
  • 3g Folate, food (FOLFD)
  • 3g Folate, DFE (FOLDFE)
  • 7.0g Choline, total (CHOLN)
  • 1.80g Iron, Fe (FE)
  • 4.4g Vitamin C, total ascorbic acid (VITC)
  • 2g Vitamin A, RAE (VITA_RAE)
  • 15g Carotene, beta (CARTB)
  • 1g Cryptoxanthin, beta (CRYPX)
  • 27g Vitamin A, IU (VITA_IU)
  • 16g Lutein + zeaxanthin (LUT+ZEA)