Ginger Chicken Soup Recipe

  • 0:10:00
  • 0:30:00
  • 0:40:00
  • 4
    chicken breasts, skinless and boneless
  • 1 1/2
    large onions, diced
  • 4
    carrots, sliced
  • 4
    stalks celery, sliced
  • 4
    cloves of garlic, peeled and ends cut off
  • 1
    fresh ginger, washed
  • 2
    sweet potato, diced into 1 1/2 in cubes
  • 1
    bay leaf
  • 1/4
    red or cayenne pepper
  • 1/8
    ground black pepper
  • 1/8
    Sea salt
  • 6
  1. Fill a large stock pot 3/4 full with water - use filtered, if possible.
  2. Turn heat on to medium high.
  3. Rinse chicken breasts under cold water and place into pot.
  4. Slice carrots and celery. Dice onions. Prepare garlic and grate ginger. Cube sweet potatoes.
  5. Add prepared ingredients to stock pot along with bay leaf, some black pepper, some sea salt, and cayenne pepper.
  6. Bring to a boil and allow to simmer for at least 20 minutes.
  7. Test chicken to be sure it's cooked through and test sweet potatoes to be sure they are fork tender.
  8. Remove chicken breasts and cut into cubes. At this point, you may add the chicken back into the soup or reserve to the side so that people can add as much chicken to their bowls as desired.
  9. Adjust salt and pepper to your taste.
  10. Serve hot with fresh, crusty Italian or French bread. Enjoy!

By: Insp. by

Published on 09/03/2013

Recipe Nutrition Information

  • 1359.42g Water (WATER)
  • 2.52g Carbohydrate, by difference (CHOCDF)
  • 1g Phytosterols (PHYSTR)
  • 1g Energy (ENERC_KCAL)
  • 6g Energy (ENERC_KJ)
  • 41g Calcium, Ca (CA)
  • 14g Magnesium, Mg (MG)
  • 1g Phosphorus, P (P)
  • 8g Potassium, K (K)
  • 54g Sodium, Na (nan)
  • 2g Folate, total (FOL)
  • 2g Folate, food (FOLFD)
  • 2g Folate, DFE (FOLDFE)
  • 4.1g Choline, total (CHOLN)
  • 9g Vitamin A, RAE (VITA_RAE)
  • 2g Carotene, beta (CARTB)
  • 28g Cryptoxanthin, beta (CRYPX)
  • 3g Vitamin A, IU (VITA_IU)
  • 3g Lutein + zeaxanthin (LUT+ZEA)
  • 1.36g Ash (ASH)
  • 968.9g Fluoride, F (FLD)